Veterinary Medicine and Technological Trepidation

by Hunter Little

In a recent editorial published in the May/June issue of “Today’s Veterinary News”, the University of Georgia’s Simon R. Platt wrote a piece concerning the telemedicine, the AVMA, and the implementation of new telecommunication technologies in the veterinary field. The editorial, in part, focused on a report written by an AVMA advisory panel that attempted to define telemedicine and its potential implications for veterinary medicine. Platt’s assessment saw telemedicine and veterinary telemedicine as dividing into two distinct camps: the first being a kind of consultation structure that facilitated collaboration and cooperation between practitioners, and the second being a more diagnostic role, offering a diagnostic/care service for remote situations, etc. But the real task at hand, as Platt argues, is the degree to which this kind of technology can fit into veterinary medicine not just accurately, but ethically too. Platt notes how “we fear where it all could lead […] the rules of the game don’t change because a consultation occurs electronically rather than face to face.”

To outsiders looking in, veterinary medicine, in some regards, is a very slow moving beast when it comes to technological implementation. But, as Platt’s piece indicates, this isn’t such a bad thing. There are ethical and legal aspects to consider. More importantly, there is the question of standard of care. And here, I would have to agree. Pets present such a raw, emotional attachment for their owners; unconditional love from a pet is an almost universal constant, and something veterinarians must contend with at all times when providing medical care. So it would stand to reason that the technology that is implemented into veterinary medicine augment animal health and well-being in such a way as to support that underlying principle. On the individual practice level, this sentiment towards technology holds true, almost more so than at the broader, AVMA-policy level. So, my thought is this: when you, as a practice-owner, are considering new technologies and software to implement into your practice, consider its ability to effectively relay that standard of care. If your software can relay that level of care so inherently intertwined with veterinary medicine, then perhaps it is technology worth considering. If it only proves to bog your practice down, and mar your ability to provide that certain standard of care, then perhaps you should look elsewhere. When implementing new tech or software, trust what you see, and trust what your employees see. Platt includes a quotation at the beginning of his piece that reads:

“We must always tell what we see. Above all, and this is more difficult, we must always see what we see.” – Platt

EasyDVM Practice Software is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software system. We pride ourselves in offering a system that is user-friendly, easy to learn for new team members, full-featured and elegant in its simplicity. Best of all, all devices, multiple users, all your clients and patients, always affordable.

The Challenge and Value of Q&L, not Q&A, in Veterinary Practice

by Hunter Little

Businesswoman attending listening to a client who is talking at officeI’m going to pose a challenge, of sorts, to you. What do you expect when you ask a question? An answer. We want to get from point A to point B. But what if I told you we should expect more from our questions than just an answer? What if, instead of thinking about the process as Question & Answer, we thought of the process as Question & Listen? Q&A implies that there is a finite end; that there is a point A and a point B, and that is all. But, Q&L implies something more, like a vector, a starting point of a line that projects out; a launching point with no end, but limitless direction and possibility. That limitless possibility that emanates from a question, I believe, is learning. When we question and listen, we learn.

This whole line of thinking is inspired by Frank Sesno’s new book, Ask More. Sesno, a veteran of CNN and the current director of the School of Media and Public Affair at George Washington University, understands the value of a good question. As he says in the book, “Smart questions make smarter people. We learn, connect, observe, and invent through the questions we ask.” Without giving away the whole book, Sesno breaks down questions into 11 categorical types (Diagnostic, Strategic, Empathy, Bridging, Confrontational, Creativity, Mission, Scientific, Interviews, Entertaining, and Legacy) and delves into each, defining what they are and how they can be utilized.

In addition to dissecting questions themselves and how we can best craft them, Sesno although emphasizes the importance of listening. It is this particular dynamic of Ask More that I think is most applicable to the veterinary practice setting, and really life in general. Emphasizing questioning and listening imbues the process with an educational quality. The importance is to learn, not just to find an answer. To learn, we must engage. We must engage in thinking about how we question, we must engage not by looking for the answer we want, but rather by listening.

This whole Q&L paradigm implies a certain level of thoughtfulness, and this is where I challenge you from a veterinarian perspective. When we make the conscious decision to question and listen thoughtfully, we are engaging in the process of consciously interacting and learning. To think that we, as veterinary practice owners, have already learned everything we need to know – especially if there’s a graduate degree/DVM/MBA sitting in your back pocket – is a foolish notion and can close us off from opportunities to pivot, grow, evolve, or even open new doors and paths. We should never be done learning. And to think we have learned all we need to learn shows just how little we have actually learned. So my challenge to you is this: as you interact with your associates, employees, clients, or what-have-you, be conscious of your interaction and make the effort to be deliberate in how you ask questions. Then, instead of looking for a particular answer, just listen. Be open to the notion that there is always the possibility to learn. Learning implies growth, and I would surmise that this personal growth might spill over into your business, in one way or another. To question is to learn, and to learn is to grow.

EasyDVM Practice Software is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software system. We pride ourselves in offering a system that is user-friendly, easy to learn for new team members, full-featured and elegant in its simplicity. Best of all, all devices, multiple users, all your clients and patients, always affordable.

Technology and the Decline of Veterinary Business

by Hunter Little

Scrolling through Facebook one Sunday afternoon – as one tends to do when avoiding work that needs to be done – I came across a shared photo that piqued my interest. It was a photo of a non-descript whiteboard with some statements written down regarding different major industries and companies that had changed the paradigm of those industries; companies like Apple, Air BnB, and Uber, that had utilized technology to carve out their place in the market and ultimately create their own success. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I am not one to go seeking wisdom amongst the annals and back-pages of Facebook. I think that if there is any place where you are likely to find actual “fake news”, chances are it will be on Facebook. But this photo – whose original source I couldn’t trace, as it had been shared numerous times and therefore forces me to simply paraphrase rather than share here without proper credit to the author – actually made me stop and think about the implications of its content. In essence, the photo – and the whiteboard it contained – said this:

‘Amazon did not kill the retail industry. The retail industry killed the retail industry with bad customer service.’

‘Uber did not kill the taxi industry. The taxi industry killed the taxi industry through fare control and limiting the number of taxis.’

‘Netflix did not kill Blockbuster and the film rental industry. Blockbuster killed Blockbuster through ridiculous late fees.’

There were more examples included, but I think you get the idea. After listing all of these different industries and the companies that disrupted those industries, there were two remaining sentences on the whiteboard, both written in a bold typeface and underlined for emphasis. They read:

‘Technology by itself is not the real disrupter…’

‘Being non-customer centric is the biggest threat to any business.’

Now, we can sit and argue all day about whether the retail industry or the taxi industry are actually dead, but that would be missing the whole point. What should really be the focus of our discussion is the nature of technology in business. More specifically, how the implementation of technology can fundamentally change not only your stance within an industry but also your relationship with customers and the nature of customer service. As the whiteboard said, it is not technology that is the real disrupter. Rather, it is businesses becoming non-customer centric that is the real threat. Businesses that lose sight of the customer and their relationship to the customer ultimately stand to lose the most. Whether you provide a service, a product, etc., the customer should always factor directly into that business equation you have constructed.

I think the overwhelming selling point for some time has been how technology can be incorporated to streamline a veterinary business model or make a veterinary clinic more efficient in how it runs and sells. But what about the customer? Yes, by utilizing technology in some form or another, you can deliver veterinary services to them faster, increase the total number of customers you can handle at one time, etc. There are myriad examples of that relationship between technology and growth. But what about the relationship between technology and the customer/customer service? Big companies like Uber, Apple, and Amazon disrupted their industries and rose to the top by implementing technology not for technology’s sake, but by using technology to distribute a service or product in an entirely customer-centric format. What I’m ultimately trying to do here is change the way we approach technology from a veterinary business standpoint. Let’s not ignore all of the ways technology can improve a veterinary hospital and how it operates internally. But let’s shift our paradigm slightly, and begin to approach technology from a customer-centric angle. When we look at new technology, the thought shouldn’t only be “How will this new technology help my practice grow?” What should be included in our thought process is “How does this technology make me more customer-centric?” Or, “How could this technology improve my customer’s experience?”

As I’ve said on this blog in the past, it is always good to take some time to take stock of your place in the world; to take stock of where your business stands and review where adjustments could be made. A certain level of self-awareness as it relates to business can make all the difference. So, in that vein of thought, I think it is high time we take that approach to technology and business. Take the time to assess how you can become more customer-centric. Perhaps, the answers might surprise you.

EasyDVM Practice Software is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software system. We pride ourselves in offering a system that is user-friendly, easy to learn for new team members, full-featured and elegant in its simplicity. Best of all, all devices, multiple users, all your clients and patients, always affordable.

Indirect Veterinary Customer Service: Technology and the Employee-Customer Dynamic

by Hunter Little

I’ve got to say, I am really proud of the title of this blog. If nothing else, I’ve managed to make something that is, at its core, a very simple concept and transform it into a seemingly complicated theory (there is always something humorous about over-complicating simple ideas). When I say “Indirect Customer Service”, what I’m really referring to is the notion of improving customer service by improving other aspects of your business that do not directly deal with customer service. That is to say, addressing customer service indirectly by addressing other areas of your business. Also included in the title is this notion of the employee-customer dynamic, or more specifically, the daily interactions that occur between employees and customers (we can even include employee-to-employee and customer-to-customer interactions).

My theory is quite simple, and is ultimately based on a few basic observations within the workplace. By implementing a few key technological improvements into the lives of employees (with the idea being that these technological installments are meant to make the employees’ work easier), the employees would ultimately be happier and more productive (I promise, this is not some kind of pseudo-communist plot). This direct influence on employees has indirect benefits for customer service. A happier employee is bound to have a pleasant interaction with the customer. If you have ever been introduced to any kind of behavioral-based psychology, then you know that people oftentimes direct emotions at outlets other than the source of their emotions. Thus, an employee that is, for example, stressed out about the complicated process for inputing a new client’s medical history into the medical records database may be more likely to imbue that employee-client interaction with their negative emotions regarding their practice software. The client ends up being the recipient of an employee’s frustration, and thus has a negative customer service experience. Yet, this negative experience had nothing to do with the client. Thus, because we failed to directly address a problem or inefficiency within the workflow dynamic (or the workplace as it applies to the employees), we have indirectly influenced our customer service.

This notion of indirect customer service was one of the driving factors behind the creation of EasyDVM veterinary practice software in the first place. We wanted to create something that was entirely based on a customer-centric model, emphasizing the importance of customer service before anything else. This means that, when we began designing the software, we designed it through trial and error, utilizing the input of our employees throughout the creation process. It is easy to design a software platform that is aesthetically pleasing and loaded with tons of features. but none of that matters if your employees can’t use it. Functionality and ease-of-use became imperative to the creative process behind EasyDVM veterinary practice management software. What I ultimately found was how this indirectly affected customer service. If employees are happy, then clients are happy. It may sound simple or a little overreaching, but I challenge you to try it. Like I have done before, I challenge you to put customer service at the forefront of your business, and see what changes come with that new approach.

EasyDVM Practice Software is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software system. We pride ourselves in offering a system that is user-friendly, easy to learn for new team members, full-featured and elegant in its simplicity. Best of all, all devices, multiple users, all your clients and patients, always affordable.

Going Paperless in Veterinary Practice

by Hunter Little

Going Paperless!
Going Paperless in a Veterinary Practice!

For nearly the last 30 years, the notion of going paperless has been at the center of an ongoing dialogue on veterinary business innovation and evolution both large and small; however, the paperless dream has been mostly just that: dialogue. It is certainly hard to argue with the stalwart tenure of a veterinary practice management paper-based system. Like an old friend, the paper-based system has been -for the most part- reliable and steadfast, a constant companion that has seen us through the good and bad times. Yet, paper is also cumbersome, time-consuming, and –something no veterinary practice owner wishes to hear – costly. Either because we don’t yet see the benefits of a paperless system or we simply don’t like change (which is entirely possible and not without its merits in the veterinary practice community), going paperless hasn’t quite yet taken the firm hold so many believe it should. But, I’m here to tell you that going paperless is no longer the hassle it once may have appeared to be. Given the ease-of-use of most current veterinary practice paperless platforms, the increasing demand for mobile-friendly businesses, and the numerous veterinary cloud-based software systems now available, it is nearly impossible nowadays to argue for a paper-based system. As with any comparison of this magnitude, there will always be some give and take. Having said that, let’s get perhaps the biggest detractors of going paperless out of the way.

The difficulty of the transition from a paper-based system to a paperless one is one of the few remaining arguments against going paperless still out there, but quite frankly it’s a talking point that loses ground every day. What I am speaking of is the fear many veterinary practice owners have that going paperless – if they haven’t already- will give way to learning curves and breakdowns in workflow, veterinary clients may become upset as changes occur, inefficiencies will ultimately arise and the flow of business and profit margins will be affected. Granted, it is always healthy to have suspicions and keep a keen eye on anything that may change or affect efficiency and productivity. But, it is 2016, not 2006. The reality is, technological literacy (particularly among the younger generations now entering the workforce in droves) is up; computers and operating systems are no longer foreign languages to the average person. Moreover, the number of mobile users is growing, which means the demand for mobile-based platforms is growing. If anything, the average veterinary client is now more readily prepared for a paperless system than they ever were before. Additionally, the average veterinary assistant tasked with learning the paperless system is more than likely already technologically versed to some degree, making that once daunting learning curve far more manageable, if not nearly painless. Of course, any transition is going to bring with it bumps and hiccups, but this notion that a technological transition is nothing but a pitfall simply isn’t the case in a technologically-versed 2016.

Data security, or the notion that files simply aren’t as secure electronically, goes down much the same route as the transition argument. While a veterinary practice paper-based system requires the physical removal of files (thus making them seemingly harder to steal), they can also be subject to physical and thereby permanent damage. More often than not, there are not multiple copies, so the damage is often irreversible. Additionally, there is the longstanding fear of hackers gaining access to sensitive data stored electronically or files being damaged by viruses or malware. But, once again, this is 2016, not 2006. Nowadays, particularly through veterinary practice cloud-based software, data is backed up through multiple systems to multiple locations. This makes data security far more robust, as well as providing multiple copies of files to reduce to potential for data loss.

Although no argument is ever definitively right all of the time, it would seem that those few remaining arguments against going paperless have lost some serious steam. If nothing else, simply consider the fact that technological evolution over time has given way to the paperless system. It is never a good idea to invoke change for the sake of change. This certainly may have been the case 10 or even 5 years ago, when the notion of going paperless was considered more of a revolution. But now, given the current technological climate, going paperless is no longer a daredevil’s endeavor. Going paperless is now an evolutionary process, an opportunity to let your veterinary practice evolve and progress.

As a sort of bonus, here are a few additional ways that going paperless can benefit your business:

  • the access time for veterinary medical records and data, when paperless, is instantaneous
  • veterinary medical records can be edited and updated at any time from anywhere
  • the copying and sharing of data can occur instantly whenever it is needed
  • redundancies and file maintenance, as well as file loss, can be avoided with the help of electronic systems
  • going paperless can vastly reduce the amount of space needed for file and data storage, which can, in turn, save money
  • the legibility and accuracy of files and veterinary medical records improves when digitally stored and maintained
  • the environmental impact seems rather obvious and self-explanatory, but you can learn more here (that may be a little snarky, but I felt that we should focus on the less obvious business benefits first)

EasyDVM Practice Software is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software system. We pride ourselves in offering a system that is user-friendly, easy to learn for new team members, full-featured and elegant in its simplicity. Best of all, all devices, multiple users, all your clients and patients, always affordable.

Editorial: Don’t Lose the Forest (Veterinary Vision) for the Trees (Veterinary Headaches)

by Hunter Little

I want to change gears for a moment and step back from the business of veterinary medicine, whether it be large or small, tech-based or what-have-you. Generally speaking, I’m a big picture person, I enjoy stepping back to see the greater vision that comes together from all those small details and little intricacies. It is very easy, particularly when it comes to small businesses and veterinary medicine (either together or separately), to get caught up in the day-to-day demands. So, for today, I want to be the little voice in your head that tells you to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think back to the bigger picture (whatever it may be for you, personally).

I ask you to do this because of a conversation I had yesterday with a friend of mine regarding the job-searching process.  She told me how, in her interview, she had expressed interest in taking the position, but wasn’t willing to commit fully because she was waiting for other offers to come in. She spoke about the possibility of a “more exciting offer” coming in at the last minute and not wanting to miss that opportunity, hinting at her underlying indecision regarding her potential career path. I didn’t think too much of her comments at the time, but, for whatever reason, I returned to them later in my mind. I thought about how I might react were I a small business owner, or a practice owner trying to hire a newly graduated vet. I considered how confusing and vexing such comments might be, how that kind of hesitation and noncommittal approach must feel to someone trying to expand their business.

Granted, this is just one example, and, in all fairness, it may seem like I am being a little harsh on my friend. But there is an underlying reality here. These kinds of tasks are the little things that we can get caught up in; the hiring and firing, the daily management and oversight, the training of new staff, etc. Even more importantly, it can be very discouraging to hear that someone you’ve taken the time to interview one-on-one and extend a job offer to hasn’t bought in to your practice and its ideals, or isn’t willing to commit.

I heard a similar story not too long ago from a vet and practice owner, who came away from the experience confused and uncertain about the nature of his practice. In hindsight, all I can say is this: don’t miss the forest for the trees. Do your best to recognize when you have zeroed in too far and have lost sight of big picture; YOUR big picture. Remember, you’re the small business owner. This product that you have put forth is crafted from your vision of how veterinary medicine should be. Take stock of that vision, and if its blocked by a mountain, make sure it isn’t just a mole hill without perspective. I don’t mean this as a preachy, sports-movie-coach’s-speech moment. Rather, I’m simply trying to maintain some sense of perspective in spite of the myriad issues that plague a small business owner. If anything, take this as a friendly reminder to step back, take a deep breath, and don’t lose the forest for the trees.

You, Your Veterinary Practice Software, and The People Who Actually Use It

by Hunter Little

Over the last couple of posts, we have been engaging in a kind of free-form dialogue about your practice’s software and if it really is the best fit for your practice in 2016. Really, I’ve been trying to challenge your digital/technological paradigm, and let you know that it is ok to demand more and expect more from your veterinary software platform. So far, I think it’s gone well (I hope you feel the same. If not, I haven’t given up on you yet). Yet, I think we can do better. To this point, the dialogue has been very two dimensional. What I mean is that it’s been a conversation about you, the practice owner, and your software. But, what about the people who engage with your practice’s software on a day-to-day level (i.e. your employees)? Sure, you probably engage with your software on some kind of a regular basis, but it may not necessarily be to the same extent as your employees, who are engaging with your software with nearly every task they do. Their jobs, assignments, etc. are intertwined with your practice’s software. So, it only makes sense that, at some point, they should be brought into the fold and be included in our growing dialogue.

If you’ll recalveterinary_teaml a post I authored a while back concerning millennials in the workplace, you might remember a point I made regarding the importance of inviting conversation and input. Whether this be in staff meetings, one-on-one teaching moments, or what-have-you, in this day and age it is important to incorporate the voices of everyone involved. Even though this may feel like an unwelcome or uncomfortable exercise, consider this: you, a practitioner, veterinarian, small-business owner, bring a unique point of view to the table. You see things from multiple vantage points, but at the end of the day, you see the bigger picture, the direction you want your practice moving, as well as everything it took to get there; however, despite the importance of your vantage point, it is feasible to assume that, sometimes, you can miss the minutia of your practice. This includes the small, day-to-day details and quirks that make your practice what it is. You may think you know all, and I would suspect that you do, as a person in your position should. But, the boss never knows all. It’s just a fact. Simply put, your position as boss limits your inclusion in the employee paradigm and experience. Therefore, your employees can bring a fresh set of eyes to the dialogue, a different perspective from your own. At your next staff meeting, ask your employees what they think about your practice’s software, and see where the discussion leads.

I pose this challenge to you, in part, because it was these very kinds of discussions that led to the creation of EasyDVM. We found that employees, despite saying they didn’t necessarily hate the old software, had a lot of minor complaints and suggestions for changes and improvements. Issues like having to manually look up and enter services and products for invoices, or having to navigate multiple windows just to set up appointments. When we added them all up, we realized that all of these small issues and complaints were affecting workflow and productivity. At the end of the day, nobody really spoke up because the old software had been around for a while, and it was just the way things were done. Phrases like “the way things are” or “that’s just how we’ve always done it” can be parasitic to a small business. Complacency and acceptance of the norm can lead to stagnation, leeching away at potential growth. It became clear that those who interacted with the older software on a day-to-day basis knew something the higher-ups didn’t. EasyDVM grew out of a desire to rise above this complacency. It is, quite literally, designed hand-in-hand with input from employees at all levels so that it matched up with the needs of those who would actually interact with the software on a regular basis.

So, I once again will challenge to incorporate your employees into the dialogue. Ask them what they think, and see where the conversation leads. It might surprise you.

Veterinary Software Today: What Services Should be Standard?

by Hunter Little

In the last post, I opened up the floor for a discussion about the current state of your practice’s software, as well as the nature of veterinary software in 2016. Today, as we briefly discuss what services should be considered standard features of your veterinary practice software, let’s take a second to frame this discussion in its larger context. I think we can all agree that the current state of technology and software has progressed far beyond its counterparts of ten years ago; even five years ago! As technology continues its ceaseless march forward, our expectations for what that technology can provide should progress as well. What I mean by this is that, in 2016, you should expect more of your technology and software than you did in 2005 or 2010. Services that were once considered new or extra features five years ago should now be expected as standard features. Think of your software like a home: many years ago, certain appliances like refrigerators might have been considered luxuries. Nowadays, we consider such things to be standard features.

Hopefully, that analogy made things a little more clear as we move forward with this discussion. At the end of the day, I want you to feel comfortable and self-assured in knowing that you should expect more from your software; however, having said that, what specific features and services should you expect to come standard with your software? While you may have your own answer to this question, I’ve compiled a list below of some major software features that should be included in your practice’s software. So, take your time, read through the list, and see if what you believe should be standard features and services matches up. Remember, it’s never out of the question to demand more from your veterinary software, particularly in 2016.


Your software should have a calendar system that allows you total control over daily scheduling and appointments of all kinds. This vet_at_computercalendar system should give you the ability to customize scheduling to fit the size and needs of your practice, including different sections for techs and doctors, as well as easy access to patient records and the ability to check-in/out patients.

Medical Records 

You should have access to a system of patients’ files and records for each and every patient. This database should also allow you to add doctors notes for exams and surgeries at any time, as well as general communication notes. This database should also have a built in tracker for due dates on vaccinations, procedure reminders, medications, etc. Lab work and previous medical history should also be available as attachments to patient files, so that a complete and wholistic file is created for each and every patient.

Boarding Calendar/System

Even if your practice does not offer boarding as a service, your software should, as a standard feature, offer a boarding module or calendar that gives you complete control over your practice’s boarding schedule. You should be able to make reservations for any given day, as well as see drop off and pick up dates for each pet.

Reminders/Patient Notifications 

Your software should include the ability to automatically keep track of due dates for a variety of services invoiced to the patient via the patient records (as well as the ability to manually add reminders for patients if need be). Would also be able to easily send reminders to clients through these reminders via email or even printable postcard.


As far as invoicing features, your software should be able to easily create invoices without having to navigate different pages to do so. All your services and products should be accessible to search and select right there on the invoice, as well as the ability to add bundles of products and services for quicker invoicing. You should also be able to access a variety of payment methods without having to leave the invoice. If there is an existing balance or credit for that client’s account, it should be visible on the same page as well. Nowadays, invoicing should be a one-stop, streamlined process.


Your software should include the ability to add and edit certificates that fit the size, scope, and needs of your practice.

Veterinary Software: Looking at the Bigger Picture

by Hunter Little

Let’s step back for a second and address the vast landscape that is veterinary software. Some of it is cloud-based, some of it isn’t. Some are pay-as-you-go, some are subscription based, and even a lucky few are free. Whatever the case may be, I think the veterinarymedicine, pet, health care, technology and people concept - happy woman and veterinarian doctor with tablet pc computer checking scottish fold kitten up at vet clinic industry, as a whole, is certainly guilty of one commonality: complacency. Veterinary medicine can be a slow-moving mammoth at times, preferring the familiar and the safe over something new that might upset the long-established balance. At the end of the day, it is easy to slip into the comfortable and seamless flow of the familiar; in other words, to do things as they’ve always been done. This preference for the familiar and long-established is no different in the sphere of veterinary software. Personally, I would wager that most practices have been using the same software for the better part of the past decade or so. But that is only natural. It is, of course, much easier to just continue using what has always been there, rather than take the time to sit down and take a long, hard look at your practice’s software.


I would imagine that, by now, you may have picked up on where I’m going with this. Today, I’m going to challenge your old habits. I’m going to challenge the way you think about veterinary software and how it should integrate with your practice. Not because it is the edgy thing to do, or I’m young and think I know better than you. I’m challenging you because it could prove to be a healthy exercise, not only for you as a practitioner, but for you as a business owner; as someone who is interested in the health and vibrancy of their small business. Ultimately, this will be an exercise in challenging the veterinary software norms of our day. Where deficiencies might be hidden, where old habits might be affecting productivity, and where efficiencies can be found or even built anew.

Over the next few posts, we will be looking at some specifics regarding veterinary software, like what services should be considered standard, as well as asking some bigger questions about the nature of veterinary software in 2016 (namely: should you really be paying for your software anymore?) So, today, I’ll leave you with some questions to consider as we move forward. These questions are simply meant to frame the conversation in the coming posts, as well as direct you in your questioning of your current software. Take them as they are (brain food, meant to stimulate your thinking!), and nothing more.


  • When did you buy/download your software? Or, better yet, when was the last time you updated your software?
  • How much are you currently paying for it?
  • Are there more features you COULD have, but you’d have to pay more for them?
  • What services/features come standard?
  • Is your practice taking advantage of the cloud?
  • How long does it take a new employee to learn your current software?
  • If you asked your employees, what would they say about your software?
  • If you like your current software, why?

Is Your Veterinary Practice Website Mobile Friendly?

by Hunter Little

If you’ve been scanning the web-based veterinary landscape in the new year, or attended the 2016 NAVC Conference, you may have noticed the growing conversation around the term “mobile-friendly.” While there may be jokes a-plenty about everyone spending too much time on their smartphones and mobile devices, there is a definite level of truth behind the humor. The reality, regardless of youvet_selfier opinion on it, is that much of our everyday lives and routines in some way or another heavily incorporate our mobile devices. Checking our social media accounts, emails, reminders, sending that happy birthday text to your friend, and even checking the weather have all become long-established mobile-based norms that populate our everyday life. So, it would only make sense that your website should be mobile-friendly too, right? Everything else is readily accessible via our mobile devices, and our lives have oriented around that. So, why should your veterinary practice be similarly oriented?

“But, my veterinary website is up-to-date on its veterinary software and content generation,” you might say. And that may very well be true; however, keeping up with the nuts and bolts of your website, as well as regularly updating content, may not necessarily make your website mobile-friendly. The real key is the presentation, the look and feel of your website on a mobile device. It should move seamlessly with the swipe-and-click nature of a mobile device, without requiring constant re-orientation of the smartphone or having to zoom in and out. Luckily for you, this isn’t as hard as you might think.

Google (unsurprisingly, I might add) has created a resource that can help you determine just how mobile-friendly your veterinary practice website is. Visit this Google search engine page, type in your website URL, and it will provide basic analytics to determine how mobile-friendly your website is! But, there’s more. Google has also constructed a blog designed to help you navigate the process of improving your website and making it more mobile-friendly, which can be found here. They have also conducted research on mobile usage trends, and hopefully a few statistics from these studies might be the final push you need to get your website mobile-friendly:

  • 77% of mobile searches occur at home or work; 17% occur while on-the-go
  • 3 out of 4 mobile searches trigger follow-up action; 36% trigger continued research, 25% triggered viewing a retailer’s website
  • 55% of store visits, phone calls, or purchases, happen within an hour of the mobile search


Remember, being mobile-friendly is all about presence and presentation. Potential clients may be searching for a veterinary practice in there area, come upon your practice in the search results, yet be unable to adequately or easily access your web-based content and info because your website is not mobile-friendly, and move on to the next practice. But do not despair, it is easier than you think and your clients will thank you for it.


Additional Resources:

Want to learn more about web-based trends and tips with Google? Check out Think With Google: